Docker Quick Networking Guide
Below is a list of commands related to the Docker network.
Some of these command options are only configurable when the Docker service is started and will not take effect immediately.
specifies the bridge to which the container is mounted--bip=CIDR
custom masker0 mask-H SOCKET...
Channel for the Docker server to receive commands--icc=true|false
Whether communication between containers is supported--ip-forward=true|false
Please see the communication between the containers below--iptables=true|false
you allow Docker to add iptables rules?--mtu=BYTES MTU
in the –mtu=BYTES container network
The following two command options can be specified either when starting the service or when starting the container. Specifying the Docker service when it is started will become the default value, and the default value of the setting can be overwritten when the docker run is executed later.
Use the specified DNS server--dns-search=DOMAIN...
Specify the DNS search domain
Finally, these options are only used when the docker run executed because it is specific to the container’s properties.
configuration container hostname--link=CONTAINER_NAME:ALIAS
adds a connection to another container--net=bridge|none|container:NAME_or_ID|host
configures the bridge mode of the container-p SPEC or --publish=SPEC
maps the container port to the host host-P or --publish-all=true|false
maps all ports of the container to the host
## Contributor - Sangam Biradar